About Bet Linx

Always plan your betting budget

Managing your bank roll is essential

BET LINX will update you with information about winning more with your sports bets, at online casinos, poker rooms, bingo sites and slot games. You’ll be able to learn everything about the online gaming industry, like what is an affiliate? Is Rake Back a good idea? Are rewards bonuses actually real money? What are your statistical chances of winning on any given sports bet? Are any bets 100% guaranteed? How do you win at poker? What works for bingo? Is there a way to beat the slots? Can you really make more from gaming than you do in bank interest? Can systems make free money in Blackjack?

Ultimately, ‘What are the secrets of making money in online betting?

We won’t guarantee you’ll win every time when you gamble online (durr!) – but if you play the positions we tell you about correctly and take advantage of the deposit, FPP and refer a friend deals we promote then you will make more money than you do now.

Why did we start this site? Because we understand the online gaming business. And because by advising you, the player, we can send you to gaming sites where we believe you can make more money than you make in your bank account. At the time of writing the best savings rate in the UK is 3% (subject to that bank being in business next week…)

We aim to make you a minimum 20% on your investment – if you follow the advice within the site.

By definition BET LINX is an affiliate site which, as you’ll find out, is a great way to make money in its own right. You come to the site, read the advice, gamble on a recommended site, win money – and we get paid for sending you there. And you’ll make money at the same time.

We’ll update the site regularly and send out the update mail weekly with live updates and new ways of beating the house.  Please let us know if there are any specific topics or issues in online gaming of any kind you’d like us to investigate.

Good luck out there,

The Bet Linx Team

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