Top Ten Tips of Baccarat

Baccarat – the game of Bond villains, high value net worth individuals and Ruskie poseurs in Monaco. Or so you may think. Baccarat is one of the most popular card games in the world, and getting more followers day by day.

For such a seemingly simple card game, which shares several similarities with its more famous cousin Blackjack, Baccarat connoisseurs have a veritable cornucopia of advice, lessons and hints to help you take advantage of the house edge.

First of all, check out the Bet Linx Top Ten Tips of Winning at Baccarat:-

1. Establish a bankroll of 10 to 100 units. Baccarat is a high limit game and you should be prepared to risk a fair amount of your bank roll.

2. Get a score card when you begin a game. Chart each decision using the notation B for bank and P for players. Track it with your life, but remember, on every hand there is the same chance of either result coming up… superstition has no place in this game of cards.

3. Bet single units for the first 15 to 40 hands of the shoe.

4. Look for trends, patterns and clues during the first 15 to 4 0 hands of the game.

5. Avoid stand off or tie bets regardless of the circumstances – they’ll put you on a hiding to nothing .

6. If the commission is less than 5%, it is in your advantage to bet with the house. More than 5%, well, you know the answer to that one.

7. We just went through this, but as it’s crucial… If the commission is more than 5%, it is in your advantage to bet on the player winning.

8. Don’t bet against a streak of either Banco or Punto. After a streak of three consecutive Banco or Punto, stop betting until the streak chops or bet with the streak.

9. Never bet what you can’t afford to lose and never chase your losses

10. Be courteous to the dealer and the other players at all times – even if you are sucking out repeatedly. It may be for money, but it’s still only a game. If you’re playing to make a living, then tip number 11 would be to find a four leaf clover, several horseshoes , a generous Angel with time on her hands and possibly a different career!

Good luck out there!

The BetLinx Team

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